Dangerous Goods Transportation by REYSAŞ LOGISTICS
Having caught significant synergy in intermodal transportation, thanks to the investments the company has made in rail transportation, Reysaş Logistics uses
this mode especially in conducting dangerous goods transportation. Underlining that they realized 3.652 tons of carbon dioxide reduction
in 2013-2014 period by conducting approximately 995 million ton-km transports using the rail+land combination, Rasih Boztepe, vice President of Reysaş Logistics, says
they will continue making investments in this field.
Reysaş Logistics is one of the very rst private companies that have made most invest- ments in rail transportation. The company which, in parallel with these investments it has realized, started to focus its attention on intermodal ship- ments that are becoming important in Turkey and in the entire world, is us- ing this model especially in dangerous substance transportation. Stating that they have so far had 230 units of railcars, 1 unit of Unimog (railcar hauler that moves on land and rail), 3 pieces of Kal- mar top lifter, 358 pieces of 20’ OT con- tainer, 88 pieces of 20’ silobus, 319 pieces of 45’ container equipment park thanks to the signi cant investments they have made, Rasih Boztepe, vice President of the Board of Directors of Reysaş Logis- tics, says that they also provide handling services in their self-owned railway sta- tions. Boztepe adds that these stations are Tashkent (25,000 m2) and Köseköy (65,000 m2) as well as Çatalca (35,000 m2) being constructed, Bozöyük and Kayseri stations, and Izmir (station area) and Samsun (station area) stations.
Pointing out that they demonstrated their sensitivity regarding the reduction of the land transportation that causes 123-fold more carbon emission per ton-
REYSAŞ LOGISTICS www.reysas.com Abdurrahman Gazi Mah. Bahriye Sok. No:8 34887 Samandıra - Sancaktepe - Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel: +90 216 564 20 00
Fax: +90 216 564 20 99
km by focusing on intermodal transporta- tion through rail operations, Rasih Boz- tepe articulates the following: “As Reysaş, we are able to create strong synergy in multimodal transportation thanks to our current infrastructure and equipment park in the eld of railroads for our customers. Domestically, especially when it comes to dangerous substance transportation, we are using intermodal transportation mak- ing our land tankers cross the Marmara Sea on Ro-Ros. In terms of intermodal and multimodal transportation, the amount of shipments we have realized in 2013 and 2014 by utilizing the rail and land modes together is approximately 995 million ton- km. The value of the amount of emission we reduced using railroad is 3 thousand 652 tons in carbon monoxide, 3 thousand 85 tons in nitrogen oxide, and 30 tons in solid goods.”
Rasih Boztepe
In providing information regard- ing the things to be done for successful intermodal transportation, Rasih Boz- tepe continues his words as follows: “While multimodal transportation is the method of shipment using mul- tiple transport types with different carriage units or vehicles, intermodal transportation is the method of ship- ment conducted through only one car- riage unit and using at least two trans- port modes without transfer of cargoes between the means of transport. In intermodal transportation, the ve- hicle that carries the cargo is handled. Multimodal transportation started
to develop with the start of utilizing the containers that are in the form of standard receptacles acting as both transport vehicles and packages. In order to realize intermodal transporta- tion, standard carriage units, equip- ments that will handle these units, and ports, terminals, and logistics hubs that interconnect the transport means and different carriage systems are required. Logistics service providers and multiple transport operators who will manage and coordinate such ser- vices are required as well. A successful intermodal system develops through appropriate technology, competent organizational structure, and state support. As Reysaş, we have focused our attention especially on warehouse investments and railroad transport in the recent periods. In the forthcoming period, our investments in railcars and land trailers suitable for intermodal transportation will continue.”
vagon ve karayolu römork yatırımlarımız devam edecek.”
Rasih Boztepe says that while both sea and railways are used in intermodal trans- portation in Europe, railways cannot be utilized in Turkey in an ef cient manner due to lack of infrastructure and equipment. Un- derlining that they have focused especially on sea transport in intermodal transportation in Turkey that is surrounded at three sides by seas, Boztepe adds the following:
“In our country, intermodal transporta- tion has been restricted with the carriage
of the TIRs with Ro-Ros domestically and abroad; carriage of railcars is realized on train ferries in the Marmara Sea and the lake of Van despite low volume. Although there is railroad connection from our
ports of Izmit, Gebze, Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Bandırma, Aliağa, Izmir, Zonguldak, Sam- sun, Mersin, and Iskenderun, the ameni- ties regarding infrastructure required by intermodal transportation are not suf cient. Development in these locations through years has taken place thanks to the increas- ing cargo traf c and the investments were
made for the solution of the problems of the period instead of long-term and planned investments. In our country situated in a vast and dif cult geography, 92% of transportation is still being conducted by means of motor- ways. Reduction of the burden of transporta- tion on motorways in our country depends on the improvement of multimodal and inter- modal transportations that cause much lesser carbon emission compared to land transpor- tation and that reduce the negative impacts
of logistics activities on the environment. At this point, existence of the organizational, technological, legal, technological, and envi- ronmental disciplines through the complete integration of operational transport modes, managerial ow, and responsibilities as well as the standardization and exchange of docu- ment and information ows are coming to the forefront. Despite the fact that Mersin and Isk- enderun are international transshipment cen- ters and logistics hubs for the Mediterranean and Samsun acts similarly for the Black Sea thanks to their geographical position, such advantages cannot be used suf ciently. In this sense, it is necessary to develop infrastructure projects whose railroad and sea integration has been conducted for these regions.”
Reysaş Logistics, demiryolu taşımacılığına en çok yatırım yapan ilk özel şirketlerden biri. Gerçekleştirdiği bu yatırımlara paralel olarak Türkiye ve dünya genelinde önem kazanan intermodal taşımacılığa da ağırlık vermeye
başlayan şirket, özellikle tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında bu modeli kullanıyor. Demiryolu operasyonlarıyla intermodal taşımacılığa ağırlık vererek ton-km başına 123 kat daha fazla karbon salınımına neden olan
karayolu taşımacılığının payının azaltılmasındaki hassasiyetlerini ortaya koyduklarını vurgulayan Reysaş Logistics Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Rasih Boztepe, şunları aktarıyor:
“Reysaş olarak demiryolu alanındaki mevcut altyapımız ve ekipman parkımızla müşterilerimiz için multimodal taşımacılık konusunda güçlü bir sinerji yaratabiliyoruz. Yurtiçinde özellikle
tehlikeli madde taşımacılığında Marmara Denizi geçişlerinde karayolu tankerlerimizi Ro-Ro ile geçirerek intermodal taşımacılığı kullanıyoruz. İntermodal ve multimodal taşımacılık olarak baktığımızda 2013 ve 2014’te demiryolu ve karayolu modlarını birlikte kullanarak
gerçekleştirdiğimiz taşıma miktarı yaklaşık 995.000.000 ton-km’dir. Demiryolunu kullanarak azalttığımız emisyon miktarı değeri ise, karbonmonoksit 3 bin 652 ton, azot oksit 3 bin 85
ton, katı madde 30 ton. Reysaş son dönemlerde özellikle depo yatırımlarına ve demiryolu taşımacılığına ağırlık verdik. Önümüzdeki dönemde de intermodal taşımacılığa uygun demiryolu